Showing 1 - 12 of 12 Results
Wisconsin Land and Life Geographic Portraits of the State by Ostergren, Robert C., Vale,... ISBN: 9780299153540 List Price: $29.95
Walking With Muir Across Yosemite by Vale, Thomas R., Vale, Gera... ISBN: 9780299156947 List Price: $15.95
Fire, Native Peoples, and the Natural Landscape by Vale, Thomas R., Vale, Thomas ISBN: 9781559638890 List Price: $25.00
Plants and People Vegetation Change in North America by Vale, Thomas R., Knight, C.... ISBN: 9780892911516 List Price: $15.00
U. S. Forty Today: Thirty Years of Landscape Change in America by Vale, Thomas R., Vale, Gera... ISBN: 9780299094843 List Price: $14.95
Western Images, Western Landscapes: Travels along US 89 - Thomas R. Vale - Hardcover by Vale, Thomas R., Vale, Gera... ISBN: 9780816511174 List Price: $33.50
U. S. Forty Today: Thirty Years of Landscape Change in America - Thomas R. Vale - Hardcover by Vale, Thomas R., Vale, Gera... ISBN: 9780299094805 List Price: $27.50
Walking With Muir Across Yosemite by Thomas R. Vale, Geraldine R... ISBN: 9780299156909 List Price: $32.95
American Wilderness Reflections on Nature Protection in the United States by Vale, Thomas R., Center for... ISBN: 9780813923369 List Price: $45.00
Fire, Native Peoples, and the Natural Landscape by Vale, Thomas R. ISBN: 9781559638883 List Price: $50.00
Time and the Tuolumne Landscape: Continuity and Change in the Yosemite High Country by Vale, Thomas R., Vale, Gera... ISBN: 9780874804294 List Price: $50.00